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The Future of Belize experienced through the minds of innovative students!

2nd Annual My Virtual City Competition: “Redesigning Belize for Our Future!”
Total Business Solutions Limited, the local distributor of Esri Inc., hosted the 2nd Annual “My Virtual City” Competition and Exhibition on Wednesday, June 19, 2013 at the Princess Hotel in Belize City.Guided by the theme “Redesigning Belize for our Future!” the Competition challenged primary and high school students to imagine, design, and IMPROVE an existing city or municipality in Belize. The goal of the “My Virtual City” competition was to create awareness and ignite the imagination of the younger generation about Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and how they can be used for problem solving, planning, and overall improvement of communities, especially Belize.

While the MVC Competition was launched as part of World GIS Day in November 2012, the competition moved into full gear in March 2013. To assist the nineteen (19) participating teams with their projects, TBSL hosted six weeks of training to prepare the students for the competition. Training presenters included TBSL staff members; Mr. Froylan Alvarado, Architect and Urban Planner and Mayor Darrell Bradley of Belize City. While the students were instructed on the basics of city planning and Esri software (ArcGIS and City Engine) to design their cities, the creativity was their own.

Read more at official MyVirtualCity Competition Site & Facebook Page![/fusion_text][/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]