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for Desktop Basic

Professional GIS Authoring

[fusion_dropcap]A[/fusion_dropcap]rcGIS Desktop Basic is geographic information system (GIS) software for visualizing, managing, creating, and analyzing geographic data. Using ArcGIS Desktop Basic, you can understand the geographic context of your data, allowing you to see relationships and identify patterns in new ways.

These are just a few of the ways ArcGIS Desktop Basic can help your organization.

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With ArcGIS Desktop Basic you can

  • Author maps and interact with your data by generating reports and charts and printing and embedding your maps in other documents and applications.
  • Save time using map templates to create consistent style in your maps.
  • Build process models, scripts, and workflows to visualize and analyze your data.
  • Read, import, and manage more than 70 different data types and formats including demographics, facilities, CAD drawings, imagery, Web services, multimedia, and metadata.
  • Communicate more efficiently by printing, publishing, and sharing your GIS data and dynamic content with others.
  • Use tools such as Find, Identify, Measure, and Hyperlink to discover information not available when working with static paper maps.
  • Make better decisions and solve problems faster.

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Key Features:

  • Map authoring – Use predefined map templates to save time and make it easy to create a consistent style in your maps.
  • Spatial query – Ask questions of your data and solve complex problems by using a variety of query-building tools: interactively measure distances and areas, find features in the map, select data by location or attribute, unselect all, switch the selection, access layer properties from the Identify dialog box, and much more.
  • Basic modeling and analysis – Model spatial relationships and measure how features in a dataset relate to each other in space, and generate reports and charts of your findings.
  • Simple feature editing and data integration – Create and edit point, line, and polygon features and attributes within your data. Use a wide variety of data types including demographics, facilities, CAD drawings, imagery, Web services, and multimedia.
  • Ready-to-use datasets – Begin your visualization and analysis right away with the included Esri Data & Maps Media Kit, which is updated annually and preconfigured to work specifically with Esri software.
  • Enabled for extensions – Add even more capabilities and extend the power of ArcGIS Desktop Basic by using one or more of the many optional ArcGIS Desktop extensions. Analysis, productivity, and solution-based extensions allow you to perform extended tasks such as raster geoprocessing and three-dimensional analysis.
