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for Desktop Standard

Professional GIS Authoring

[fusion_dropcap]A[/fusion_dropcap]rcGIS Desktop Standard is a powerful GIS desktop system for editing and managing geographic data. It includes all the functionality of ArcView along with additional advanced editing tools to ensure the quality of your data. ArcGIS Desktop Standard supports single-user and multiuser editing, allowing you to disconnect from the database and edit in the field.

These are just a few of the ways ArcGIS Desktop Standard can help your organization.

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With ArcGIS Desktop Standard you can

  • Allow multiple users to simultaneously modify and edit data.
  • Build and maintain spatial relationships between features using topology rules and a process called validation.
  • Support multiple workflows, manage work order processing, and implement QA procedures for validating edits.
  • Monitor the database over time and evaluate what-if scenarios.
  • Perform raster-to-vector conversion and create data from scanned maps.

These are just a few of the ways ArcGIS Desktop Standard can help your organization.[/fusion_text][fusion_title size=”2″ content_align=”left” style_type=”” sep_color=”” margin_top=”” margin_bottom=”” class=”” id=””]Key Features[/fusion_title][fusion_text]

ArcGIS Desktop Standard includes all the functionality of ArcGIS Desktop Basic and adds a comprehensive set of tools to create, edit, and ensure the quality of your data within a multiuser editing environment.

The ArcGIS Desktop products share the same applications (ArcMap and ArcCatalog), user interface, and development environment. Additional functionality is unlocked as users move from ArcGIS Desktop Basic to ArcGIS Desktop Standard to ArcGIS Desktop Advanced.

Multiuser Editing and Versioning

Your organization can use ArcGIS Desktop Standard to allow multiple users to simultaneously modify the same data without interfering with each other, taking the data offline, or creating multiple copies of your data.

Monitor how the database has evolved over time, edit in the field with disconnected editing, and implement QA procedures for validating edits.

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Rules-Based Topology

Preserve data integrity and maintain the high quality of your data by automatically locating and fixing errors according to rules and behaviors you set for your geodatabase.

Advanced Editing and Productivity Tools

Use advanced COGO editing tools, construction tools, and conflict detection and resolution tools to help automate the editing workflow. Store historical snapshots of your data and different views of map layers that represent what-if scenarios without affecting the layers they are built on. Speed up data maintenance and automation with CAD-like editing and productivity tools.

Enabled for Extensions

Add even more capabilities and extend the power of ArcGIS Desktop Standard by using one or more of the many optional ArcGIS Desktop extensions. Analysis-, productivity-, and solution-based extensions allow you to perform extended tasks such as raster geoprocessing and three-dimensional analysis.[/fusion_text][/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]