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BEUC Home || Agenda || Registration || Speakers || Sponsors

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Agenda at a glance

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Wednesday, May 13th, 2015
8:00 am –
9:00 am
Registration Foyer
9:00 am –
10:15 am
Opening Ceremony – Master of Ceremonies; Dwight
Neal- Invocation: Fr. Scott Giuliani- National Anthem: Jackie Castillo- Welcome: Loretta Palacio, Managing Director, TBSL- Update on the Belize National
Spatial Infrastructure (BNSDI) Ms.
Sharon Ramclam, Chief Executive Officer, Ministry
of Natural Resources and Agriculture

– Keynote Address: Cecille Blake, Member, Global Geospatial Management Information System,
United Nations

– Awards

– Welcome from Esri & The ArcGIS Platform- Heath Hill, Account
Manager, Esri Central America and the Caribbean

– Opening Plenary: GIS: Designing Our Future, Pamela Kersh, Esri;
Andrew Link, Vaneiri Keme, TBSL

Improving Decision Making With
Location Analytics – Marcello
Blake, General Manager, Grace Kennedy Belize Ltd.Riverhall10:15 am
-10:30 amBreakBiltmore
Balcony10:30 am
-11:45 am– Toledo Cocoa Growers -Estevan Assi- Plenary Cont’d – Juan Miguel Indekeu,
Andrew Link, Vaneiri Keme,
Pamela KershRiverhall11:45 am -1:00 pmLunchBiltmoreCourtyardAfternoon Breakout Session1:00 pm –
2:00 pm– Population Trend of a Rare
& Threatened Timber Species – Dr. Percival Cho, Belize Forest Department, Government of Belize- Setting Up Your ArcGIS Online
Account – Pamela Kersh, Esri; Andrew Link, TBSL- GIS in National Security – Nirav ShahToucan ARiverhallToucan B2:00 pm -3:00 pm– Installing & Configuring ArcGIS for Server – Juan Miguel Indekeu- GIS In Education for Tertiary
Level Students, Robert Hernandez- Use of Earth Observations and
Remotely-Sensed Imagery for Forest Management and Other     Societal Benefits: A Comparison of
Belize and French Guiana  – Emil CherringtonCreate
Your First Story Map

Toucan AToucan BRiverhall


3:00 pm –
3:15 pmBreakBiltmore
Balcony3:15 pm –
4:15 pm– ArcGIS
for Telecommunications –Randy Frantz, Patrick Huls, Marion Cayetano, Vaneiri Keme- Developing Apps with ArcGIS – Juan Miguel Indekeu- Telling Your Stories Using Maps in ArcGIS Online- Publishing Hosted Services Using ArcGIS Online – Pamela KershRiverhallToucan AHOLLToucan B4:15 pm -5:00 pmWrap-Up SessionWelcome ReceptionRiverhall

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Thursday, May 14th, 2015
8:00am – 8:30am Registration Foyer
9:00am -10:15am Plenary:- Official Launch of The Belize
Education Portal – Andrew Link, Vaneiri Keme,Marion CayetanoThe
ArcGIS Platform – A Review – Marion Cayetano,
Pamela Kersh
10:15am – 10:30am Break Biltmore Balcony
10:30am -11:15pm
Creating Web Services Using ArcGIS for Server Juan Miguel Indekeu- ArcGIS
Pro – Pamela Kersh-
Integrating GIS Technology in Fisheries Management  – Julio Maaz, WCS/Fisheries
Toucan ARiverhallToucan
11:15am -12:15pm – GIS in
Agriculture –Armando Choco, Toledo Cocao Growers Association- Crime
Analysis – Belize Police Department-
Implementing a GIS in Government, Cecille
Blake- ArcGIS
for Utilities, Bill Meehan, Brian Baldwin, Esri
Toucan AToucan BOrchidRiverhall
12:15 pm -1:15 pm Lunch BiltmoreCourtyard
Afternoon Breakout Session
1:15pm -2:00pm – The
Value of Location Strategy for Senior Executives–Simon Thompson, Cecille Blake, Marion Cayetano, Marcello Blake- Marketing
in GIS – Pamela Kersh- Maps & App Factory – Make a
Map and an App!-
Building GIS Capacity: How to Incorporate GIS into The Curriculum – Loretta Palacio, Andrew Link- GIS In
Media – Adele Ramos

Toucan A


Toucan B

2:00pm -2:45pm – One Stop Location
Platform for TeleCom – Randy
Frantz, Patrick Huls, Marion Cayetano,
Vaneiri Keme- Using
GIS technology to analyze Tropical Cyclone Incidence correlated with the El
Nino Southern Ocillation (ENSO) cycle – Frank Tench,- GeoEvent Processor : An Introduction- Juan Miguel Indekeu, Andrew Link, Vaneiri Keme
Toucan AToucan B


2:45pm -3:30pm – Improve
Field-to-Office Workflows with ArcGIS Apps -Juan Miguel Indekeu, Andrew Link -Vaneiri Keme- Analyzing PSE results with ArcGIS
Online – Gertrudes Velasquez, Vincent
Improving Decision Making with Location Analytics – Marcello Blake,
Grace Kennedy Belize
RiverhallToucan AToucan B
3:30pm – 4:30pm Closing Riverhall

